Corporate Governance

Sustainability – Sharing values

Representing our understanding as a family company.

Vision and transfer of values

"As a family owned company, we at Bizerba regard responsibility for future generations as one of our fundamental tasks. For more than 155 years we have been thinking and acting with a long term perspective in order to pass on our values to the next generations. We are aware that global energy demand, climate change and the increasing waste of resources are major challenges for our society.
As a responsible company, we integrate sustainability into all areas of our business and our relationships with customers, partners, suppliers, and service providers."

Angela Kraut, CFO & Shareholder

Our strategy

Our sustainability strategy focuses on five key areas of action that are not only aligned with our company's values, but are also crucial to achieving a positive impact on sustainability. These action areas form the backbone of our efforts and demonstrate our commitment to a sustainable future.


Corporate governance

The matrix organization is standardized for global sustainability management, and transparency is ensured worldwide. Goals include implementing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) globally and establishing assessment systems for self-assessments to monitor progress.


Advanced product portfolio

Sustainable products feature measurable CO2 reductions and environmentally friendly designs. Key goals are annual CO2 footprint reduction targets, eco-friendly packaging concepts, and remote support options to minimize environmental impact.


Efficient supply chain

An efficient, local, and sustainable supply chain is implemented to optimize operations. Specific goals include defining a local sourcing strategy, reducing warehouse locations, and optimizing transport routes to enhance efficiency and sustainability.


Employee retention

Employees are engaged through sustainable incentives and talent development programs. Goals include integrating sustainability into manager incentives, increasing employee satisfaction scores, and ensuring robust succession planning through talent management.


Responsible use of resources

CO2 accounting is automated, and green energy usage is increased across all locations. The focus includes creating a semi-automated Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) and initiatives like RefurBiz to promote the circular economy.

Our contribution to sustainability:

Sustainability is deeply rooted in our corporate philosophy. We have introduced an environmental and energy management system to enable more sustainable value creation and developed the RefurBiz business model to support the circular economy. Through our innovative products, such as intelligent slicing machines that save energy and our label free solutions that reduce waste, we are already demonstrating how we conserve resources.

RefurBiz: Second hand devices in original quality

An important sustainability initiative is our “RefurBiz“ webshop , where we offer used devices in original quality to extend the lifecycle of our products. This reflects our commitment to circular economy principles by designing value creation in a circular manner and reintegrating refurbished products into the cycle. With this, we actively contribute to reducing waste and prolonging the lifespan of our products.

Find all information about RefurBiz here: RefurBiz second hand devices from Bizerba in original quality

Our presence on platforms

Our company is proud to be represented on leading sustainability platforms such as EcoVadis and Avetta, among others. This underlines our commitment to transparency, ethical business practices and the continuous improvement of our sustainability performance.

EcoVadisSupplier AssuranceSedexAvettaIntegrityNext

For take away


Download our key sustainability documents here: The Sustainability Report gives you a comprehensive overview of Bizerba's measures to date and its commitment to a more sustainable future. Our Sustainability Strategy summarizes the key information on our plans and goals for sustainable development. In addition, the Sustainability Knowledge Base provides a compact overview for customers and partners of the most important sustainable initiatives and measures.

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