X-ray inspection system XRE-D pro
The XRE-D pro is an advanced X-ray inspection system developed by Bizerba for the careful inspection of packaged products. This intelligent system sets new standards in detection accuracy and application flexibility, ensuring the highest level of consumer safety and compliance with industry standards.
Key features:
- Detection accuracy: It detects foreign objects based on their density, chemical composition or dimensions that differ from the surrounding product. This includes a wide range of contaminants such as PVC, rubber, ceramics, stones, calcified bones and more.
- Dual energy technology: The optional Dual Energy feature significantly improves detection of low-density contaminants.
- Intelligent power management: Ensures optimal performance and extends the life of the X-ray tube.
- Quick belt change system: Allows a belt change in less than two minutes, increasing operational efficiency.
- Versatility: Capable of inspecting multiple lines and products with varying density ranges, including aluminum-packaged products.
- Compliance package: Meets the highest safety standards and complies with industry regulations.
- Contaminant detection: Identifies metallic and non-metallic contaminants within the inspection area.
- Product counting: Ensures the correct number of products per package.
- Completeness check: Verifies that all components are present in closed packages.
- Defect detection: Detects missing, damaged or misshapen products, as well as overweight and underweight products.
The XRE-D pro X-ray inspection system demonstrates Bizerba's commitment to innovation and quality, providing a reliable solution for ensuring product integrity and consumer safety.
- X-ray inspectiesystemen
- Verse kant- en klaar maaltijden
- Levensmiddelenhandel
- Inspectiesystemen
- Dranken
- Zoetwaren & Ijs
- Inspecteren
- Melkproducten
- Ingrediënten, sauzen en kruidenmixen
- Bakkerij
- Babyvoeding
- Deegwaren
- Supplementen & Tabak
- Diervoeding
- Snacks
- Vis & Zeevruchten
- Ontbijtproducten & Muesli
- Apparaten en systemen
- Voedselindustrie
- Bakkerijproducten
- Kantenklaarmaaltijden & Soepen
- Detectie van vreemde voorwerpen en productfouten
- Fruit & groente
- vorm
- Vleeswaren & Worst
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