Sustainability at Bizerba
“As a family-owned company with more than 150 years of history, we welcome the opportunity to pave the way to a sustainable future. To ensure that we can pass on our values to the next generation.“
Andreas W. Kraut CEO & Shareholder
Responsibility for the future
As a responsible family-owned business, we care for our corporate culture, based around the values of reliability, integrity, innovation and customer orientation, openness and transparency. Our goal is to share values with the next generation. This is why we think and act for the long term in every respect – and have been doing so for more than 155 years. Issues such as the increasing global need for energy, the effects of climate change, food waste or needless piles of waste also affect us. We see sustainability as part of our social responsibility and at Bizerba it also affects all areas of the company, our employees in addition to our relationships with customers, partners, suppliers, and service providers.
We have assumed the task of creating a healthy balance between economy, ecology, and society at Bizerba, paving the way to a sustainable future.

Our approach
For many years now, sustainability has been firmly anchored in our company’s mission statement, our goals and our strategy. In Germany we have already implemented an environmental & energy management system, for example, enabling value creation to be made more sustainable. In addition, many sustainability aspects are already taken into account and pursued globally along the entire product life cycle.
Nonetheless, our goal is to make these aspects consistently measurable and traceable so as to be able to clearly identify optimization potential and continuously improve ourselves! We have now created the basis for this journey with our first published sustainability report. As Bizerba, we are proud of the achievements we have already made with regard to sustainability and look forward to building on these points together with our CSR team and the entire workforce. With it, we will be able to pass on these corporate values to the next generations in the future.
After all, acting sustainably “carries weight” for all of us.

The German Sustainability Code („Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitskodex“, DNK) is an intersectoral standard that we at Bizerba use as an orientation for developing our sustainability strategy. To this end, we have for the first time issued a declaration on twenty DNK criteria designed to inform our stakeholders about our sustainability performance. The full German DNK report for 2021 can be found in the official DNK database.
Next steps
Unless mentioned otherwise, the data presented concerns the interests of Bizerba Germany. A sustainability strategy is currently being developed and implemented for the international Bizerba Group.
The publication of our first sustainability report is far from being the end of the road. To make our development and ongoing improvement in a variety of sustainability aspects visible over time, we will be compiling and publishing an annual report with immediate effect – and we are looking forward to this task!

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