Handmatige snijmachine

Manual vertical slicer VSP with Meat Carriage

The Bizerba VSP with Meat Carriage is an advanced manual vertical slicer designed for professional use. It features SmarterSlicing technology, Emotion® drive, and Ceraclean® parts for efficient, hygienic slicing. With 350 mm or 370 mm blades and FoodConnect interface, it ensures precision and easy data management.

The Bizerba manual vertical slicer VSP with Meat Carriage is a top-of-the-line solution for professional kitchens, cafeterias, and sales counters looking for a reliable and efficient way to slice meat products. This slicer is specifically designed to handle even the largest and heaviest pieces of meat with ease, ensuring hygienic slicing of moist cuts thanks to its uniquely designed feeding carriage.

The VSP model stands out with its SmarterSlicing functions, which include an early warning system with indicators for cleaning, sharpening, and maintenance. This smart technology not only supports the user in obtaining perfectly sliced fresh products but also ensures the machine’s availability. The slicer’s intelligent, energy-saving Emotion® drive technology and integrated portion scale further enhance its efficiency by automatically counting slices and indicating the weight on the touch screen.

For those dealing with particularly large cuts of meat, the VSP offers blade sizes of 350 mm or 370 mm in diameter, catering to a variety of slicing needs. The machine’s hygienic design is another highlight, featuring tool-free disassembly and removable, dishwasher-safe Ceraclean® parts. The large distance between the blade and motor tower facilitates easy cleaning by hand.

In terms of control and data management, the VSP excels with its FoodConnect interface and RetailControl management software, allowing for transparent monitoring and central data management. Users can also control the blade speed directly on the touch screen, adding to the slicer’s convenience and precision.

Overall, the Bizerba manual vertical slicer VSP with Meat Carriage is an exceptional choice for those seeking a manual vertical slicer for meat that combines ergonomic design with advanced technology for smarter, more efficient slicing operations.


  • SmarterSlicing functions:
    • Cleaning, sharpening and maintenance icons
    • Transparent monitoring and central data management
  • Illumination: Optional visual display showing the current device mode
  • Hygienic design:
    • Tool-free disassembly
    • Removable, dishwasher-safe Ceraclean® parts
    • Large distance between blade and motor tower for easy cleaning by hand

Productafbeeldingen en technische informatie kunnen afwijken en zijn mogelijk niet beschikbaar in uw land.


  • Particularly suitable as all-rounder for kitchens and cafeterias/canteens
  • Sales counter

Details en opties


  • Variant with integrated portion scale
  • Individual equipment:
    • Blade options: Ceraclean® blade, channeled, bread blade, stainless steel blade
    • Carriage and remnant holder variants
    • Product guides even for bias cut
    • Installation via installation bars, feet or lifting device
  • Exclusive Ceraclean® surface finish
  • Flex combinations: Slicer with integrated metrologically approved retail scale
  • Variable cable outlet: Different mains cable outlet positions possible

Specificatie Feiten Details
Voltage variants 100 - 120 V
220-240 V
50 - 60 Hz, 1,9-2,3 A (single-phase alternating current with emotion®)
single-phase alternating current with emotion®
Slicing thickness Infinitely adjustable: 0-24 mm
Fine adjustment: 0-3 mm
Material anodized aluminum
Bizerba Ceraclean®
Installation area (L x W) 520 x 430 mm
Dimensions (L x W x H)/(D x W x H) 628 x 568 x 432 mm
Work surface (L x W x H) 673 x 678 x 454 mm
Processing performance 160-300 rpm (adjustable via HMI)
Maximum size of food to be sliced Square: (W x H): 260 x 180 mm
Round: Ø 225 mm
Blade diameter 280 mm
300 mm
Contact opnemen
Satya Bhadra
E-Mail info@bizerba.be Telefoon 02/481 62 75

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